Resource Revival
We got our start by accident in Portland, Oregon, in the early 90s. While biking to my recycling job I got a flat. The inner tube had a dozen patches already and - suddenly - I wondered "what happens to all the bike parts that get thrown away?" So began my exploration of bike shop dumpsters and the discovery of a treasure trove of discarded parts. After a few years of tinkering with product ideas, I launched Resource Revival in 1994.
Our mission is to create new uses for discarded materials, and we collect thousands of pounds of used bike parts every month from bike shops all over the United States. We have intentionally kept Resource Revival small - we have fewer than ten employees - by "sacrificing" growth for quality of life: spending time with our kids, volunteering in our community, and riding our bikes. But don't mistake our small size for lack of ability. We have filled orders for companies as diverse as Google, Whole Foods, REI and Clif Bar, and we are as passionate about quality and customer service as we are about bikes and recycling.
By crafting durable products from recycled materials our hope is to provide meaningful alternatives to imported junk, and to inspire others to do the same. We need to lower our impact on the planet. Let's envision a future where sustainable commerce flourishes in a world powered by renewable energy.
Thanks for recycling!
Graham Bergh, Founder
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